Friday, July 15, 2016

Kevin's approach to lighting, visibility, and electricity management

Here's my approach to being seen-I will use the Dinotte Daytime Red taillight. This retina-searing light is said to put out in excess of 400 lumens! It is so bright that the company markets it as a daytime only light, as it is too bright for nighttime use.

I certainly wouldn't want to ride behind this light, especially on a strobe setting, so in consideration of my riding partners, I'll go to the back of the pack if this thing is turned on!  It is powered by a 4 AA lithium battery pack,(I have 2) that requires it to be charged via 110volts AC, which I can get from the Sprinter van

For a headlight, I'm using a Schmidt Edelux II, powered by a Schmidt SON 28 Dynamo Hub.   

This German made combo is quite bright, adds nearly zero drag, and requires no batteries! In fact, with a Busch & Mueller "e-Werk", I can use electricity from the hub to charge my iPhone, GPS, Delorme inReach, and extra battery, or whatever.  It really is a pretty cool setup.

For other sources of visibility, in addition to the slow-moving farm equipment triangle like Alan has, I'll wear a fluorescent green helmet, and the very "fashionable"neon green convertible jacket from Pearl Izumi.  This neon fashion faux paux is standard issue among Pacific Northwest cyclists.  I also have a reflective sash that I plan to wear if riding when dark.

Hopefully these measures will keep us visible, and safe!   In an upcoming post, I'll talk about the DeLorme inReach satellite locator we will carry, so that those who are interested can see where we are, and watch our progress along the Northern Tier.

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